isn't it kinda stupid to make the free version the one on the platform that users tend to pay for the most?
Summer videogame clears and mini-reviews
brat summer? more like yakuza bird character action summer
Using UWP Update Tasks in a MSIX-packaged Win32 app
it's friday night and i'm deep in msix hell again
Using the IKEA Kallax to support a CRT
reddit users screaming into the ether "but you can't do this! it's just cardboard!!!"
Early Spring videogame grab bag
featuring coolgator 2000 and the noise
An approach to data binding with .NET in an iOS app
Key-Value Observer on Timeless Temple
I made a Playdate game in two days and it's ok™️
gotta crank it with sonic
Compiling snapcast on macOS High Sierra
feats of compiling only dreamt of by the utterly deranged
My 2024 Hobonichi Techo picks
Happy nothing special day!
A most fast-fooded Christmas
Happy Holidays from me, the McDonald's Corporation, Yuji Naka and Tony Hawk.