you could say I haven't cranked one of those out in a while.
We hope this system will bring you entire satisfaction.
This is where I write tech stuff so I don't forget what I did when I inevitably get to redo it.
...I really have nothing else to write here for the moment.
( ´・・)ノ(._.`)
Total Internet Hyperdeath
A piece where I, in fact, do not talk about the total internet hyperdeath whatsoever
Introducing DialogueForest
An opinionated Dialogue Writing tool for Games.
LANraragi 0.8.9 ft. Holopin
It's just like gacha/steam trading cards, except you don't have to pay money!
January-February videogame grab bag
if the pizza tower soundtrack doesn't end up pressed on pizza-colored vinyl records i will be sorely disappointed
Bring back game manuals
just for old games tho, I don't care about your SOULLESS modern drivel........😤
Converting a Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2 to run off USB
It's all about balance.
Some thoughts on the Arc Browser
Isn't 'The Browser Company' kind of a pretentious name?
My 2023 Hobonichi Techo picks
The nice thing about buying a techo a year is that I never run out of 3-color ballpens now.
The 2022 Recap
It's the most wonderful time of the year!