This blogpost contains unsafe amounts of ranting against AI.
Articles tagged with c#
The Stylophone 2.7 Update is here!
isn't it kinda stupid to make the free version the one on the platform that users tend to pay for the most?
Using UWP Update Tasks in a MSIX-packaged Win32 app
it's friday night and i'm deep in msix hell again
An approach to data binding with .NET in an iOS app
Key-Value Observer on Timeless Temple
A most fast-fooded Christmas
Happy Holidays from me, the McDonald's Corporation, Yuji Naka and Tony Hawk.
Using System XAML Islands in a MSIX-packaged .NET Framework app
MUX, WUX... more like FUX this shit eyy gotem
The Stylophone 2.6 Update is here!
Thank you, Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Sonic McOrigins Plus at SAGE 2023!
to be this good takes a double big mac and some mcnuggets on the side
Original Game Drop: Funtography
Who are you running from?
Introducing DialogueForest
An opinionated Dialogue Writing tool for Games.